
Do you think your Wu-tang sword can defeat me??

Anyone who has even a remote interest in Hip hop and its history knows about Wu-Tang Clan.  They were instrumental in shaping the genre throughout the 90s and into the new millennium.  I always knew about them and their influence, but never really explored past their infamous debut album Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers), the… Continue reading Do you think your Wu-tang sword can defeat me??

Album Reviews, Music, News

New Music Friday featuring Nostalgia Rant

Despite what themes in movies such as Midnight In Paris may have you believe, don't you sometimes feel lucky to have been born during a certain time period?  I was by all conventions a 90s kid, on the fringe of the Millenials but probably more relatable to Generation X due to my adolescent years being… Continue reading New Music Friday featuring Nostalgia Rant

Album Reviews, Music, punk

Album Review: Strung Out – Songs of Armor and Devotion

I first discovered Strung Out when I purchased the latest Fat Wreck Chords compilation album, Life in the Fat Lane, the fourth in their series.  This was when I was still in high school and relatively new to the genre.  While all of this music seemed to fall under the umbrella of pop-punk at the time,… Continue reading Album Review: Strung Out – Songs of Armor and Devotion